Table of contents
  1. Potentiometers - knobs and faders
    1. Name
      1. Single turn knobs
      2. Slide faders
    2. Function - what can it do
    3. What it looks like
      1. Potentiometers
      2. Slider/fader
    4. Pins
    5. Components json
    6. PD example(s)
      1. Example - potentiometer controlling pitch and volume
      2. Smoothing and the signal~ domain
        1. Smooth
        2. ~Signal
      3. Download this patch:
    7. links / references / sources

Potentiometers - knobs and faders

A potentiometer is a three-terminal resistor with a sliding or rotating contact that forms an adjustable voltage divider. If only two terminals are used, one end and the wiper, it acts as a variable resistor or rheostat.

It’s a knob or a slide fader that gives values between 0.0 and 1.0


There are different types of potentiometers, but in this context we will focus on two common ones: single turn knobs and slide faders. They are both linear, which means that the output voltage changes proportionally to the position of the contact.

Single turn knobs

These are potentiometers that you can rotate (almost) 360 degrees. They look like dials or knobs that you can turn clockwise or counterclockwise.

They are linear, with a fixed range. And the knob types are therefore referred to as single turn - to differentiate clearly with the similar looking yet endless turning encoder.

Slide faders

These are potentiometers that you can slide up and down. They also have a fixed range. They look like sliders or levers that you can move along a track.

Technically they are the same.

So most commonly these would be the attributes you’re looking for in a potentiometer:

  • single turn, linear , 10k resistance.

For faders:

  • slide potentiometer, linear, 10k resistance

Function - what can it do

Potentiometers, or knobs and faders are a way to change values from one end to another.

While the potentiometer itself is read by the hardware in steps of 0 to 1023, it gets translated to/from a float value from 0 to 1.

Type _variant Behavior
Voltage Input Returns a floating point representation of the voltage at its input. The typical range is 0-5 V, which is represented as 0-1

In Plugdata you will be using 0 to 1 as the float values to control things. When needed you do simple maths, e.g. if you would need a value range of 0 to 127, you’d add a block [* 127].

(Comparable to the mapping function with Arduino’s.)

What it looks like

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These are analog components, by changing the position of the knob or fader you change the amount of voltage they allow to flow.

A potentiometer is a variable resistor with three pins. Two are connected to the ends of a fixed resistor. The middle pin is moving across this.

Hence, we need the analog pins on our boards. These are labeled as A0 to A11, these pins could be used for other things as well, so in the custom json we’ll have to instruct to use them as AnalogControl

Connect the outer pins to voltage and ground, connect the middle pin to an Analog pin.

Changing the order of the outer pins will change wether your knob/fader goes from 0 to 1 or reversed. When changing the wiring isn’t an option, or you might be holding your PCB in another orientation, upside down, at 90 degrees, you could reverse the values by sending it through these blocks: [* -1] - [* +1] inverting the value of a knob

Follow this link to the spreadsheet showing the pin numbers used on/in the Daisy board, Plugdata, Synthux, …

Daisy seed pin numbers on the board Daisy pin names digital Daisy pin names analog GPIO column middle GPIO column outer L and R on the datasheet Pin numbers on the Simple PCB microcontroller slot - corresponding to the row below the matrix Pin names in synthux Analog and Digital simple-daisy.h Pin names in synthux Mounted on the back AnalogOnTheBack and DigitalOnTheBack simple-daisy.h Pin names in synthux simple-daisy-touch.h AND on the Touch PCB Pin numbers for use in Plugdata custom json file
20 A GND A GND A GND A GND 20     A GND  
21 3V3 Analog 3V3 Analog 3V3 Analog 3V3 Analog 29     3V3 Analog  
22 D15 A0 ADC 0   30 S30 S19 S30 15
23 D16 A1 ADC 1   31 S31 S18 S31 16
24 D17 A2 ADC 2   32 S32 S17 S32 17
25 D18 A3 ADC 3   33 S33 S16 S33 18
26 D19 A4 ADC 4   34 S34 S15 S34 19
27 D20 A5 ADC 5   35 S35 S14 S35 20
28 D21 A6 ADC 6   36 S36 S13 S36 21
29 D22 A7 DAC OUT 2 ADC 7 37 S37 S12 S37 22
30 D23 A8 DAC OUT 1 ADC 8 38 S38 S11   23
31 D24 A9 SAI2 MCLK ADC 9 39 S39 S10   24
32 D25 A10 SAI2 SD B ADC 10 40 S40 S09   25
35 D28 A11 SAI2 SCK ADC 11 43 S43 S06   28
38 3V3 Digital 3V3 Digital 3V3 Digital 3V3 Digital 46     3V3 Digital  
39 VIN VIN VIN VIN 47     VIN  
40 D GND D GND D GND D GND 48     D GND  

Components json

knob1 and faderleft in this example are the custom names you can choose, they are the names you’ll use in Plugdata.

    "components": {
        "knob1": {
            "component": "AnalogControl",
            "pin": 15
        "faderleft": {
            "component": "AnalogControl",
            "pin": 16

In plugdata we receive the values via a block with this text: r knob1 @hv_param

PD example(s)

As shown higher up, if you change the wiring direction of a potentiometer it’ll send inverted values. The examples below presume the direction is as you’d intent expect, if not, adding this small inverting trick solves it: [* -1] - [* +1]

inverting the value of a knob

Example - potentiometer controlling pitch and volume

In this example we connect knob1 to the frequency of an oscillator, and a fader controls the volume.

potentiometer fader analogcontrol Plugdata example

  • r knob1 @hv_param and r faderleft @hv_param receive knob and fader values (0 - 1) from the analog pins you setup in the custom json

  • hsl horizontal slider: note that while for smaller patches it’s not that important, but since this isn’t used in actual hardware, it’s good practice to keep it out of e.g. subpatches as it will take up some memory. Having many of these could add up.

  • $1 is a placeholder for the value received from the input, the second number will be taken by line as the time ramp in ms.

  • The line-object is a linear ramp, it receives the two numbers as follows:

    • the first part $1, is the value that it will output;
    • the second 20 is the time in milliseconds it takes to move to the next value, hence smoothing.

Smoothing and the signal~ domain


At default setting you “read” the knob every 1ms, this could potentially introduce glitchy behavior if you send numbers every cycle, that’s why we want to smooth out any small fluctuations from turning your crappy dusty knob.

Making this time too long might make it feel lagging, but in some cases could be preferable to get even smoother / slower / gradual changes.


Use line~, with the ~ to keep your patch as much as possible in this continuous signal domain.

Download this patch:


Or copy this text and paste it in a Plugdata patch (it should get “transformed” into what you see in the screenshot above):

#X obj 282 119 r knob1 @hv_param;
#X msg 282 247 \$1 20;
#X obj 282 299 line~;
#X obj 282 352 *~ 440;
#X obj 282 405 osc~;
#X obj 379 503 dac~;
#X obj 387 466 *~;
#X msg 651 247 \$1 20;
#X obj 651 299 line~;
#X obj 651 119 r faderleft @hv_param;
#X text 431 465 mixing volume;
#X text 369 343 calculate / map to a new range \, this example maps val 0-1 to 0-440, f 34;
#X text 431 502 audio out Left / Right;
#X obj 306 185 hsl 102 21 0 1 0 0 empty empty empty -2 -8 0 10 #191919 #e1e1e1 #e1e1e1 0 1;
#X obj 691 185 hsl 102 21 0 1 0 0 empty empty empty -2 -8 0 10 #191919 #e1e1e1 #e1e1e1 0 1;
#X text 431 170 while testing in PD use a slider 0-1 \, delete when optimizing your patch, f 24;
#X text 431 103 receive knob value (0 - 1) from pin setup in custom json, f 24;
#X text 431 238 \$1 = knob value \, set 20ms as ramp time for ~line, f 24;
#X text 433 290 line~ for smoothness \, sig~ for continuous., f 24;
#X text 367 396 cosine wave oscillator \, the input is the hz, f 24;
#X connect 0 0 1 0 32.................s.........PK.........jE....;
#X connect 1 0 2 0 32.................E.........PA.........n.....;
#X connect 2 0 3 0 32.................O.........vC.........3A....;
#X connect 3 0 4 0 32.................P..........D.........7A....;
#X connect 4 0 6 0 32.................S....jF...vD....oA...jB....;
#X connect 6 0 5 0;
#X connect 6 0 5 1;
#X connect 7 0 8 0 32.................E.........PA.........n.....;
#X connect 8 0 6 1 32.................9A...Pv+++ue....D7+++6H....;
#X connect 9 0 7 0 32.................s.........PK.........jE....;
#X connect 13 0 1 0;
#X connect 14 0 7 0;

buy potentiometers on Thonk


  • link to synthux docs/vids

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This site was made by jonwtr based on documentation and other guides found at various sources such as: Electrosmith forum, Daisy Discord, Plugdata website and Discord, website and Discord, ...