
Various sensors can be connected and are supported. There’s a list you can consult with a description of the available parameters at pd2dsy

This page will use the MPR121 touch sensor as an example.

This Page isn’t ready yet

On the page about setting up the custom json file an example for the touchsensor mpr121 is shown.

  • Some extra steps explained there are needed (altering the ‘mother’ file component_defs.json that is included in the Toolchain)

  • Time based effects like delay or reverb seem to be very unstable/ non functioning with the mpr121

Template structure for parts:

  1. Name
  2. function - what can it do
  3. what it looks like
  4. Pins
  5. Components json
  6. PD example(s)
  7. links / references / sources

Extra list / draft page to implement or link:

In the future I’ll be testing a simple lightsensor, the motion sensor (BNO055), and distance measuring sensor (VL53L1X)

pd2dsy supported Sensors

List of supported / implemented sensors in pd2dsy:

GitHub - electro-smith/pd2dsy: Utility for converting Pure Data (Vanilla) patches to Daisy projects.

Full list in the components_defs.json file:

connecting these sensors to the daisy and adding them in the custom json should be supported.

Note that for e.g. the touchsensor mpr121 there’s a bug where the pins are not getting assigned as intended.

GitHub - electro-smith/pd2dsy: Utility for converting Pure Data (Vanilla) patches to Daisy projects.

BME280 - Humidity sensor

measuring relative humidity, barometric pressure and ambient temperature

Price range:

1 EUR (Aliexpress)- 15 EUR (Adafruit stemma breakout)

Connection / Pins:

I²C and SPI

Adafruit BME280 I2C or SPI Temperature Humidity Pressure Sensor

Humidity Sensor BME280

Humidity sensor measuring relative humidity, barometric pressure and ambient temperature

BME280 Returns the temperature in degrees C.
BME280 _temp Behaves the same as the default option.
BME280 _hum Returns the humidity in relative percentage.
BME280 _press Returns the pressure in pascals (1 atm ~= 100 kPa)
BME280 _alt Returns the estimated altitude in meters

BMP390 - barometric pressure - temperature

The BMP390 is a very small, low-power and low-noise 24-bit absolute barometric pressure sensor. The digital, high-performance sensor is ideally suited for a wide range of altitude tracking applications.

Pressure Sensor BMP390

Adafruit BMP390 - Precision Barometric Pressure and Altimeter

Price range

1 EUR Ali Express

12 EUR Adafruit, Stemma breakout

Pinout / Connection:

BMP390 Returns the temperature in degrees C.
BMP390 _temp Behaves the same as the default option.
BMP390 _press Returns the pressure in pascals (1 atm ~= 100 kPa)
BMP390 _alt Returns the estimated altitude in meters
Type _variant Behavior
BMP390 Returns the temperature in degrees C.
BMP390 _temp Behaves the same as the default option.
BMP390 _press Returns the pressure in pascals (1 atm ~= 100 kPa)
BMP390 _alt Returns the estimated altitude in meters
Hall Sensor Returns the current state of the sensor (0 if no field present, otherwise 1).
Hall Sensor _count Returns the number of times the hall sensor has been activated.
TLV93D Returns the magnitude of the field’s force vector in uT (i.e. the amount of field).
TLV93D _x, _y, _z Returns the field’s strength in the given axis in uT.
TLV93D _amount Behaves the same as the default option.
TLV93D _azimuth Returns the field’s azimuth for spherical coordinates.
TLV93D _polar Returns the field’s 3D inclination for spherical coordinates.
MPR121 Returns whether channel 0 is touched according to the threshold.
MPR121 _ch0 … _ch11 Returns a 1 if the given channel is touched according to the threshold, otherwise 0.
MPR121 _ch0_raw … _ch11_raw Returns the raw sensor data for the given channel as a 10-bit unsigned integer.
APDS9960 Returns the current read gesture (1-4) if detected, otherwise 0.
APDS9960 _gest Behaves the same as the default option.
APDS9960 _prox Returns the detected proximity in undefined units (meant for relative distance detection).
APDS9960 _red, _green, _blue, _clear Returns the detected brightness of the given color as a 16-bit unsigned integer.
VL53L1X Returns the distance measurement in mm.
Neo Trellis Sends a bang when the first button (index 0) is pressed.
Neo Trellis _0 … _15 Sends a bang when the given button is pressed.
Neo Trellis _0_falling … _15_falling Sends a bang when the given button is released.
Neo Trellis _0_state … _15_state Returns the current state of the given button (1 = pressed, 0 = released).
BNO055 Returns the X component of the accelerometer in m/s^2.
BNO055 _accel_x, _accel_y, _accel_z Returns the given axis from the accelerometer in m/s^2.
BNO055 _magnet_x, _magnet_y, _magnet_z Returns the given axis from the magnetometer in uT.
BNO055 _gyro_x, _gyro_y, _gyro_z Returns the given axis from the gyroscope in dps (degrees per second).
BNO055 _euler_x, _euler_y, _euler_z Returns the rotation along the given axis in degrees.
BNO055 _linear_accel_x, _linear_accel_y, _linear_accel_z Returns the linear acceleration in the given axis in m/s^2.
BNO055 _grav_x, _grav_y, _grav_z Returns the acceleration due to gravity along the given axis in m/s^2.
BNO055 _quat_w, _quat_x, _quat_y, _quat_z Returns the orientation represented as a quaternion.
Stepper Motor Expects a floating point value of any arbitrary size, representing the number of steps to rotate. The sign of the number determines direction.
Stepper Motor _release Triggers the stepper motor to relax its fields when a positive value is received, allowing the motor to spin freely.
DC Motor Expects a floating point value from -1 to 1. The magnitude controls the speed, the sign controls direction, and a value of zero stops the motor.
Neo Trellis LEDs _0 … _15 Expects an integer from 0-255 to control the led brightness of the corresponding pad.

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This site was made by jonwtr based on documentation and other guides found at various sources such as: Electrosmith forum, Daisy Discord, Plugdata website and Discord, website and Discord, ...